Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Chinese Hot Pot 火锅 (Chinese Fondue)

So the first dish in our course menu is Chinese hot pot (火锅). It can be understood as a eastern equivalent of fondue as they are relatively similar. In Chinese hot pot, some kind of broth is boiled in a big pot and you literally just throw in anything you like in it!

Here's a sneak peek of our dish!! Wanna' know how we made it? Keep scrollin' :D

Caitline, me, Haley, & Phyllis. Photo credits to Chance.

Today, the broth we had was called Ma La Tang (麻辣烫). The spice is called 花椒 (hua jiao) and it is unique to other spices because it can numb your mouth. I actually really like the taste and I was soooooo excited when I saw the soup package! There was also a non-spicy soup base, which included chicken broth and ginger; this was the one I didn't get a chance to try. 

With our raw ingredients, we washed, chopped, and sliced...

Caitlin choppin' away! :)

Our ingredients:
Cabbage (芥藍菜)
Baby Bok Choy
Green Onion
Nappa Cabbage

Ma La Tang Broth (麻辣烫)
Lotus Root

Peanut Butter Paste
Mushrooms (金针菇)
Tofu Skin
Deep Fried Tofu

Customized dipping sauce: cilantro, green onions, soy sauce, chili oil, & sesame

Today I had an awesome experience making hot pot. It wasn't hard at all; mostly because it didn't require any cooking skills. With that being said, I devoured everything I was able to put onto my plate and left the classroom with a food baby haha. If I am going to make hot pot again, I would also add in bean sprouts because it is a typical vegetable in Chinese hot pot, AND, I loveeee bean sprouts :D. 

Still continued nowadays, Chinese hot pot is generally made as a family in which everyone cooks the food and eat together. This is a great time for family bonding, catching up, and of course, filling our bellies ;). Keeping that in mind, another Chinese food culture dish called 汤圆 (tang yuan) also serves the same purpose. 

Thank you and have a lovely Tuesday! :)


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