Friday, January 31, 2014

Tis' is the End: the End of our Culinary Journey

Wow, I can't believe that this is already the end of our culinary journey! We hit off 2014 pretty well I would say, get credit for eating delicious Chinese food, going on field trips to eat more food, by far the best JanTerm everrrr! I learned a lot about my own culture through this class. I mean, I knew that there were certain foods eaten at certain times, but I never thought why is that. Even a generation before me doesn't know sometimes as well. 

Remember in my last post about the Chinese New Year dinner and how I talked about the simple chicken? So yesterday we had a guest with us, my brother's tutor, and I asked him, do you know why we serve this kind of chicken on this day? He says no; I turn to one of the auntie's and I also ask her, do you know? She also replies, no; I wasn't really in shock per say but I definitely was not expecting that. She said she just knows that this kind of chicken is served on this day, but she doesn't know why. And so, I told her that on this day of happiness and a mark of wealth and growth, it is thought that no matter how poor you are you will still be able to afford a simple chicken. 

I guess I have an excuse for myself that I am a second generation living in the United States so it's "normal" or "okay" for me to not know this. But for my parent's generation...I think probably not. It does somewhat upset me that they don't know the why to certain Chinese "ways" anymore. Because it is so interesting and so unique that I would be devastated if no one remembers or carries down this tradition anymore. 

With that being said, I will try my best to carry this tradition with me as I grow. I am in a lot of ways American, and in a lot of ways Chinese. But living in America has somewhat made me forget about my Chinese "ways." And I really hope I preserve some Chinese tradition in me. 

Wow, that was kinda' deep...anyways! Thank you again for reading! JanTerm is officially over and everyone enjoy the rest of January!


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